Sunday, May 19, 2024
Characterized by inability to stay asleep or fall asleep, insomnia results to a non-restorative sleep.  Insomnia can also be defined by the quality of sleep you’re getting and the way you’re feeling after sleeping.  While many perceive insomnia as...

You Have BPH, So What?

You have felt that recognizable pressure for quite some time. You got used to waking up every night for frequent trips to the bathroom without ever emptying your bladder completely. Finally, the pain, tiredness and bruised ego pushed you...
Diet and Genetics. 70% of how you look is determined by those two factors. That fact can be a relief for those of you that hate the gym or it can feel hopeless if you identify as “The Fat...

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence When it comes to intelligence, we most often refer to our intelligence quotient, or IQ. However, another type of intelligence is emotional intelligence, or EQ, which is arguably more important to our careers and relationships than IQ. (1) This...
Everyone wants to be in good physical shape, but here’s the thing: going to a gym isn’t the only way to achieve that. Buying yourself a home gym is an absolutely viable alternative! Say goodbye to recurring membership payments,...