Sunday, April 28, 2024
Doctors and school administrators have been warning us for some time but it took the first lady of the United States to make it truly hit home for many parents: our children are becoming overweight. And obese children tend...
For most of human evolution, all the foods we ate were in their natural state, untouched or affected by human activity. Ways to preserve food were limited. Therefore, we mostly ate raw and fresh products. This went on for...
In 2014, the last of the Baby Boom Generation hit the half-century mark. These are your golden years, so prioritize your health and wellness by following these 5 simple steps (no exercise required—at least not yet)… Get a good night’s...
Food is very important for your health, but the relationship between your eating posture and your health is also vital. What you eat and how much you eat will catch up with you sooner or later. The nutrients (or the...
While I’m sure many of you have already warmed up your grill this summer, the 4th of July always feels like the official kick-off to grilling and BBQ season.  But before you put your burger patties on the grill, there...