Surprising Health Benefits of Green Tea


For centuries, people have been drinking tea, the second most popular beverage in the world following water.   One of the healthiest tea variants to consume is green tea because it does not contain calories and sugar as well as is infused with loads of antioxidants, which are perfect for the health.

Getting to know green tea

Green tea also contains loads of bioactive compounds, including alkaloids and polyphenols.  It also contains the amino acid, L theanine, which has calming effects on nervous system, making it both a relaxing and stimulating drink.

This tea also contains loads of polyphenols, the antioxidants, which make green tea one of the healthiest beverages in the world.  One of the most valuable polypenols in green tea is epigallocatechin-3-gallate, also called EGCG, which is proven to possess different medicinal and health properties.

What are the health benefits of green tea?

For a list of the most significant health benefits of tea, keep reading.  For sure, you will also discover more as you make drinking it as a part of a healthy lifestyle.

Heart health

If you want to maintain a healthy heart, you might want to consider adding green tea into your daily diet.   Studies revealed tea drinkers have lower risk of acquiring or developing a heart disease versus those who do not consume green tea at all.

In addition, the antioxidants in the tea can also help in atherosclerosis and stroke prevention.  It may also help in reducing blood pressure levels and preventing blood clotting due to green tea’s ability in lowering insulin levels and blood sugar.

Mental performance

Drinking green tea daily can improve your brain’s function while also giving it a little boost with its caffeine content. While it can stimulate your brain, it won’t lead to jitters and anxiety linked with coffee.

Caffeine in green tea allows the firing of neurons for a longer time and with that follows an increased brain function, memory and concentration.  L-theanine, on the other hand, increases alertness while giving a relaxing effect.  It can also help one become more productive at work, play or school.

Fat burning

This benefit is probably the most interesting to know for the many out there looking to lose weight the natural way. Many clinical studies have suggested how tea can help in boosting one’s metabolism and burning fat.  It is also one of the best drinks if you want to lower your risk of obesity or becoming overweight.   It does not only burn fat, but it helps your body main a steadier energy level. When that happens, you will consume fewer calories and have fewer cravings.

Lowered risk of Type II diabetes

Drinking green tea daily can help in stabilizing and lowering your blood sugar levels.  Studies also had it that green tea could help in improving insulin sensitivity.

Digestion aid

Green tea also benefits those suffering from irritable bowel disease because it can help reducing gut inflammation, which is linked with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

Drink Green Tea Daily for Improved Health

If you want to improve your overall health, including improved mental performance and brain function, heart health and reduced risk of type II diabetes, drink green tea daily.

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