Saturday, May 18, 2024
For Your Health & Wellness Educational Purposes The Life Long Psychological Effects Of The Stress-Response The Stressors of our modern day, though very diverse from the more ancient times, have a significant impact on human behavior, health, and one's own individually perceived well-being. An...
Natural Serotonin Boosters, and How they Can Benefit You A positive mental outlook is critical not only to your mental health, but your physical health and quality of life as well. Since serotonin has strong influence in all these areas,...
3 Most Common Learning Disorders in Children Learning disorders developed in children are usually first recognized in school. They typically manifest as difficulties in reading, writing, and calculating. These are not a consequence of lesser intelligence, visual or hearing...
Have you ever wondered after coming from a trip to Europe, Asia or Latin-America whether naps are good for you or not? We know that night is the best time to sleep. We, humans, are diurnal beings, mostly active...
For Your Health & Wellness Educational Purposes Christine Foutch Holistic Physician The Healing Environment Of  The Family Romantic Attraction … The natural experience for both, Men and Women. The loss of inhibitions; with enthusiasm, to lower one’s boundaries. The passionate union of consenting adults; freeing oneself to...