Meditation: Practical Tips for Beginners


Are you thinking about meditation but then are hesitant to start because you’re thinking it’s difficult to practice it without enough knowledge. While it might sound complicated, it is ridiculously easy to get started. So if you’re one of those considering adding it to your daily routine to achieve peace within,   worry less and focus more, you can begin using the following tips.

How to Meditate: Easy Tips for Beginner

Sit still for a couple of minutes.

It sounds pretty obvious as a part of meditation, but it helps. You can start doing it for three minutes or less in one day.  Eventually, you can increase this slowly but surely as you become committed to it. Start small and stick with it Consistency is one of the keys to success.

Meditate when the whole world around you is still quiet

It is to stay that you must meditate first thing early in the morning because it is when your surroundings are still quiet and calm. Plus, it is easier to stick with this schedule. You can set an alarm for the habit, get up and meditate.  It is best to meditate at this time before you get busy for the day.

It’s okay that your mind is wandering, but come back.

Beginners struggle here.  In the start or middle of meditation, their minds wander and go somewhere.   Be easy on yourself. It is normal that your brain is going places in the first sessions.   When this happens, you just have to return to your breath and follow where it is going for each breath coming in.   As you progress, you can develop focus – and in time.  Do not expect this in your first sessions. It will take some time.

Do not over think

Some people are hesitant to start meditating because they’re caught up with holding back as they think they cannot perform it right.  Truth is you can meditate in a very simple process. For example, you can just sit on your couch, chair or bed for a couple of minutes.  If you want to, you can also sit on the floor.   Just find a quiet place – with no distractions to start meditating.

Assess your feelings

How are you feeling while meditating? Are your thoughts racing and going from one place to another? Do not beat yourself up. Don’t worry if you’ve first settled into the session and you are having bad thoughts due to anxiousness. As you progress, you can learn how to silence those negative thoughts. For now, it is okay to bring whatever you’re feeling into the session.

Focus and count your breaths

When meditating, you should also learn how to focus on your breaths.  Count them as each of them comes in and out.  Follow where your breath is going through your nose and down to your lungs. Repeat the same process.

Final Thoughts

Anyone can do meditation, with little to no experience. It is just a matter of consistency. You can start small and meditate for two or three minutes if that’s the only time you can devote to it in the beginning and increase it to 10 minutes as you progress.   Finally, make it as a part of your daily schedule so that it will be easier to be consistent on it.

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