Top 5 Natural Male Enhancement Supplements Recommended in 2019


By Men’s Health Department
February 2, 2019

Guys, you’re already here. Believe me no one “likes” discussing this, but it’s time to discuss this:

You finish faster than you used too?

Can’t finish at all?

Or what about never even getting started?

Nothing feels worse than letting your partner down in the bedroom especially when you feel like it’s all your fault.

Well, maybe one thing feels worse, the embarrassment you feel when you do research on your “problem.”

The online “male enhancement” marketplace is full of wild claims. Some are scams, and some are downright dangerous! Who can you trust?

Two things to remember if you’re in this boat right now.

One: YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Please re-read that a few dozen times. Millions of men suffer from exactly what you are going through.


Two: Web Heath Wire has your back. We have devoted a huge chunk of our budget into research, spending countless hours rummaging through the male enhancement market so you don’t have to.

Our goal is simple, find a male enhancement solution that’s effective, discrete, and safe.

In other words, find one that works, without doing a lot of work.

First, there’s a couple things you need to know (if you don’t already)…

Doctor's Visit

33% of men over 50 and 44% of men over 65 have a difficult time with gaining and maintaining erections.

1) It’s not your fault.

Yes, we already said that. But it’s worth repeating again. Nearly every man has experienced issues like this at some point. It’s natural for sexual performance to decline with age. Changes in stress, hormonal balance, weight gain, cardiovascular issues, and overall health can all play a role in your ability to perform. If you’re concerned that your health is affecting your performance, you should consult a doctor.

2) Almost nothing can change your penis size.

Men are often insecure about the size of their penis. Whether this is you or not, it’s important that you never buy a supplement that promises to “add inches.” These pills are almost certainly scams. There are a few exercises and “penis extender” devices that some men swear by, but we at Web Health Wire advise caution. Research suggest these exercises and devices risk severe injury for little (if any) gain. You’re better off working with what you have.

With that said, there IS hope!

After months of research, Web Health Wire has determined that there are some male enhancement supplements that get the job done.

We’ve examined almost every Male Enhancement supplement on the market and selected what we believe are the Top 5.

We threw out any product that promised to “add inches,” or any product offering a “free trial,” as customer reviews are almost unanimous in saying that “free trial” products are scams.

Once we filtered out all the red flags, we ranked the remaining products by these factors:

  • Reviews – We looked at what their customers said before we looked at anything else. We looked through reviews on Amazon, the Better Business Bureau, and many other online sources. In order for a supplement to make out Top 5 list, they have to have a track record of taking care of their customers.
  • Formula – What ingredients did they use? Are they all natural or at least mostly natural? How pure are they? Is the product tested by an independent 3rd party to ensure you get the formula on the label without any fillers?
  • Research & Scientific Evidence – As part of this review, we dug through as many peer-reviewed, published studies as we could find. We did our homework to ensure we know which ingredients are backed by scientific evidence. We made sure our Top 5 choices did their homework too.
  • Safety – As part of researching which ingredients are most effective, we also researched which are the most dangerous. You won’t find any supplements recommended here that we wouldn’t be comfortable taking ourselves.
  • We stand by our findings – We did the work, so you can make it work.

Our Top 5 Recommended Male Enhancement Supplements:

#1 Asox9


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Overall Rating: Excellent

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Refund Guarantee: 90 Days

ASOX9 Overview:

ASOX9 stands out as our best choice in male enhancement for a few specific reasons. First, they have a science-backed formula that many men swear is one of the most effective on the market. Our research has made us feel very confident that this supplement will have you and your partner feeling very satisfied.

Company Reputation & Results:

ASOX9 was created by a Harvard-trained biologist named Christopher Gordon who needed help with his own sexual issues and was tired of getting scammed by the male enhancement market. He used his education, resources, and connections to create a solution for himself. He has now been sharing that solution with thousands of men for several years now. Christopher Gordon’s company has forged a reputation for top-notch customer service and successful results.


All ingredients in ASOX9 have been heavily researched and meet all health and safety requisites. It’s formulated in a FDA-registered lab in the United States and undergoes voluntary testing by an independent 3rd party to ensure quality, purity, and potency. Unlike many other male enhancement supplements, ASOX9 does not contain any artificial chemicals, fillers, or other hamrful additives. Many of the ingredients are good for more than just male enhancement effects, but may also support your heart and immune health.


Creator Christopher Gordon is very confident in the quality and effectiveness of ASOX9. He’s so confident that he offers an industry-leading 90-day Satisfaction Guarantee that will give you your money back if you’re not satisfied with ASOX9. In our experience, the ASOX9 customer service team is very friendly and responsive by phone and email.

These are just a few of the reasons why ASOX9 is our top recommended choice for a male enhancement supplement.


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#2 NDS Alpha Strike Male Enhancement

Alpha Strike

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Overall Rating: Good

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Main Ingredients:

Zinc, Boron, T-MAX Blend, Vaso-MAX Blend, and Prostate Support Blend.


NDS Alpha Strike Male Enhancement is designed to support sexual function and libido, stamina and endurance, as well as liver and prostate health. The “blends” mentioned above are a combination of some of well-researched libido-boosting ingredients like Maca Root, Eurycoma longifolia, and Oat Straw.+

#3 High T Black

High T Black

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Main Ingredients:

Fenugreek, Eurycoma Longfolia Extra, Rhodiola Rosea Extract, and Arginine-Arginine Alphaketoglutarate.


Designed to boost performance both in the gym as well as the bedroom, key ingredients work on boosting energy, stamina, and strength.+

#4 Swiss Navy Size Male Enhancement

Swiss Navy

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Overall Rating: Good

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Main Ingredients:

Proprietary Blend that includes Maca, L-Arginine, Panax Ginseng, Zinc, etc.


At WebHealthWire, we typically frown upon vague “proprietary blends,” but the ingredients of Swiss Navy’s blend are very good ones and it’s hard to argue with their solid customer reviews.+

#5 Tongkat Ali

Tongkat Ali

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Overall Rating: Good

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Main Ingredients:

80mg Eurycoma longifolia Extract, also known as Tongkat Ali.


Tongkat Ali is regarded as one of the most effective herbalf ingredients for male enhancement. There are many studies available online that back the promised benefits. Tongkat Ali is believed to have other health benefits as well.+

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