Stress Management and Anti-Aging: How to De-stress to Look Younger


Learning how to age gracefully is one of the best things you can do for yourself especially if you’re in your senior years. An effective way to achieve that is to learn how to manage stress properly because it plays a huge role in healthy and graceful aging.

In today’s post, we’ll talk about ways on how to manage stress using some tips including the following.

Skip the sugar

One of the culprits to fast aging is sugar in your diet. Too much of it leads to blood sugar spikes and then crashes later.

This fluctuation causes irritability, mood swings and dampened energy. All these things lead to stress, which can be chronic if too much sugar is accumulated in your system.

But stress is only one of the effects of too much sugar intake. It also leads to glycation, a process that takes place when the sugar binds to the proteins, making it hard for them to perform their jobs well.

So if you want to slow down aging and age gracefully, cut down on your sugar intake.

Reduce inflammation

Another effective way to manage stress for anti-aging is to lower the inflammation in your body. The good news is that it does not take rocket science to figure out how.

In fact, you can simply add omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Some sources include herring, sardines, salmon and tuna.

By including more of these fatty fish in your diet, you can reduce your waistline and improve overall health because they can effectively reduce stress.

Have more fruits and vegetables in your diet

Eating these foods on a regular basis, you’ll be able to reduce psychological distress especially in your middle-aged or senior years. The main reason is that they’re loaded with antioxidants that can prevent free radical damage, one of the main culprits of quick aging.

Eat more colorful foods in your diet. A few good sources include berries and green vegetables, which can reduce oxidative stress and promote healthy aging.

Make sure you’re getting enough nutrients

If you’re looking to age gracefully, you should not also miss on getting the right amount of nutrients that will protect your skin from accelerated aging and your health from age-related diseases, such as heart disease, dementia and cancer.

Polyphenol-rich foods, such as blueberries and grapes, are great sources of antioxidant compounds that can help you prevent oxidative damage, telomere attrition and inflammation, which are a part of aging.

Drink green tea

Green tea has long been known for its antioxidant and anti-aging benefits for centuries all over the world. It is one of nature’s wonder that naturally reduces stress and promote well-being.

It can also protect skin against premature aging, which speeds up the formation of wrinkles and fine lines even on middle-aged adults constantly exposed to high levels of stress.

It also contains L-theanine, which naturally reduces stress for that clearer mind and healthier-looking skin.

However, make sure you’re choosing organic green tea or those decaffeinated varieties if sensitive to caffeine, which cause jitters to other drinkers.


Follow these simple ways to manage stress effectively and age gracefully starting today!

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