Sleepless Nights No More: Here’s How to Improve Sleep


Sleep deprivation is a common public concern now more than ever.  In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted that almost 30% of adults get fewer than six hours of sleep every night in 2013.   

In this modern time, people tend to sleep less than the ancestors do and no doubt, that living in a fast-paced and demanding world significantly contributes to lack of sleep. So, what can you do to get that much-needed sleep?  Check out the following ways on how to do it. 

How to improve sleep naturally 

If you would like to sleep well enough at night, you can check out the following simple tips and tricks to help you achieve it. 

Skip coffee  

Of all the factors contributing to lack of sleep, drinking coffee can be one of those that you might find hard to skip so that you can sleep better.  If you cannot eliminate it, you should reduce intake of it in your diet. 

If you cannot really eliminate it out of your diet, you should avoid it four hours before bedtime. Remember that 50% of the caffeine taken at 7 pm will still be in your system by 11 pm. It just means that caffeine actually stays in your body for eight hours. 

Limit your alcohol intake 

There are some who claim that drinking a glass of wine before bedtime can help them sleep better.  Little they know that alcohol alters both sleep quality and pattern. So when its level drops a few hours later, you wake up and find it hard to sleep again. 

Quit smoking 

Just like alcohol, nicotine in cigarette can influence your sleep quality and pattern. It is a known stimulant that can disrupt sleep. 

Eat lightly before bedtime 

A heavy meal before bedtime won’t do you any good especially when it comes to health and sleep.  Before bed, choose to eat lightly and avoid foods that can cause stomach disorder, and some of those sources include fried, fatty or spicy foods. 

Have a sleep schedule and follow it 

Sleep and wake up at the same time each day.  Just like any part of your routine, your body becomes habituated to it. So whether it is a weekday or even a holiday, set a schedule for bed. 

Additionally, you should establish a rhythm for sleeping, such as a bedtime ritual that can help you get to sleep faster.   Before bedtime, plan a routine that can last up to one hour.  

Activities can include 15 minutes of meditation and then downing a cup of herbal tea.  Alternatively, you can have a warm bath, listen to good music or read a book. As you see, your routine does not have to be complicated. You just have to figure out what works for you. 

Final thoughts 

Getting enough sleep even when busy is still possible. Just follow the simple tips we’ve shared here and slowly restore a normal sleep pattern. Yes, things won’t be easy at first, but it the goal of having consistent, restorative sleep will definitely be worth the effort. 

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