Retinol – The Magic Ingredient of Skin Care Products


The use of Skin Care Products has always been a must for nearly all women. Having healthy-looking facial skin is an amazing source of self-confidence.

Factors that can influence the health of our skin come from different sources:

  • Environmental
  • Diet
  • Certain medication
  • Changes in hormone levels
  • Or the result of an underlying health condition.

These factors can cause different skin issues

Scars, dryness, oily skin, acne, spots, blemishes, wrinkles, and creases can all make the face look less appealing.

All skin issues should be treated systematically. The primary cause (e.g. imbalanced diet) and the result (e.g. oily skin) should both be addressed to achieve the best result.

Thanks to science and research, there are many facial skin care products available. Retinol-based products probably top the list. That is why we will dedicate this article to explaining everything you need to know about retinol.

What is Retinol?

Vitamin A1, more commonly known as retinol, is an important human nutrient listed in the World Health Organization’s Essential Medicines List. It is a safe, effective, and necessary substance that can be, and is, used as a medication.

Retinol, part of the Vitamin A family, is essential for proper human development and especially beneficial for eye and skin health.

Furthermore, Retinol is found in meat and dairy products and is sometimes used as a dietary supplement. For example, the treatment of a condition called xerophthalmia, which is characterized by extremely low production of tears, is successfully performed with retinol supplementation.

However, some of the most important properties of retinol are:

  • Its ability to enhance collagen production
  • Promoting skin renewal
  • Increasing the production of the Human Growth Hormone
  • Aiding the proper functioning of epithelial cells

Therefore, retinol helps the skin repair the damage caused by aging, sun, acne, and other factors.

How to properly use retinol Skin Care Products for your face

  1. Do not apply retinol face products during the daytime
    Retinol is sensitive to UV light(sunlight). UV light causes retinol to break down, making it less active, therefore, less beneficial for the skin. Therefore, the packaging of retinol-containing products is well protected against all sources of light. Retinol will make the skin more sensitive to sunlight. So, it is best to use it in combination with a potent sunscreen.
  2. Retinol should not be used too often
    At the beginning of using retinol, the production of collagen will increase, making the skin more elastic and thicker. However, the skin needs to develop the tolerance to retinol gradually. If retinol is used frequently or in higher doses, it can backfire and cause symptoms such as:
    • Redness
    • Dryness
    • Flaking
    • Inflammation
    So, follow its application with a moisturizer the morning after.Apply retinol in the quantity recommended by the manufacturer of the product. Use it once or twice a week. If no side effects appear, increase the frequency, but always be moderate.
  3. Avoid using retinol in combination with acids
    Some facial skincare products contain acids, such as BHA, AHA, and Benzoyl peroxide. Especially, peeling masks, face-cleaning products, face washes, tonics, and cleansers. If you are starting to use retinol and you have sensitive skin, make sure to check the ingredients list of other face products you are using to avoid mixing acids and retinol. Both retinol and acids, exfoliate the skin but in a different way (on different levels). The combination of the two can sometimes result in skin irritation and reduced the effectiveness of retinol.
  4. Start using retinol at the right age
    When we are young the skin is still naturally elastic and healthy. Using retinol face products for a younger skin will not result in visible benefits. The situation is similar if it is introduced very late in life.Mid-twenties to mid-thirties is the best time to begin using retinol. With plenty of time to introduce the substance gradually and develop the necessary tolerance.

The Bottom Line about Retinol in Skin Care Products

Retinol works. This is a crucial piece of information for anyone who considers its regular use. However, retinol face products should be picked carefully. Cautious research and professional assistance can help you make the right choice. Well-formulated, properly stored, and carefully used retinol face products will benefit all skin types, and they just might be exactly what you are looking for.

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