Mark Laursen: 10 Tips to Keep Your Gut and Immune System Healthy

Dr. Mark Laursen Working Out

Dr. Mark Laursen M.D.
Licensed Naturopathic & Holistic Medical Doctor, Physician, and Professional Author

He has been a holistic medical doctor for over 30 years, earning his medical degree from the University of Iowa, and becoming a certified doctor for both the American Board of Homeopathy and the Arizona Board of Homeopathy. But before he earned his credentials, he was just a kid growing up on a farm, amazed by what nature had to offer. He truly believes that by combining modern Western medical knowledge with an alternative holistic approach, we can get the best of both worlds, and unlock the body’s innate ability to practically heal itself.

He has expertise in nutrient therapy, herbal therapy, food therapy, Ayurveda, mind body medicine, and homeopathy. Throughout his career, it has been his mission to take into account the best practices of both modern and Western medical worlds. Laursen plans to do this with his knowledge of natural medicine practices to tap into healing practices society may have forgotten over time.

What does immune health have to do with digestion?
“There are a lot of Americans with digestion problems. The role of immune health to digestion is much more directly connected than most people would probably consider, and the reasons are, other than breathing air which goes immediately into us and that could be contaminated, we eat food and…everything we take in our bodies stays a long time. We have all these layers of cells and the villi in your bowel, they say it covers a football field of surface area and what if that is interacting badly with things? What if you got infections that starter? What if you don’t have the right bacteria?… It can be a huge problem. You think you’ve got a football field of absorption and you got problem all over, you can imagine what that looks like inside. It takes down your immune health because…you’re fighting yourself constantly while you’re worn down pretty soon you might run out of something [in your immune system]. Then the bad guys take over.”

How do I keep my immune system healthy?
“For people to keep their immune system healthy and strong in today’s culture requires more than one step. I recommend if you have an acute infection coming on to do 20,000 units of vitamin D a day for about three days and stop. Your body will retain that then it releases white blood cells… You also need zinc and vitamin C taken five times a day for about five days…and that is the best way to bring your immune system up to speed as quickly as possible.”

Why does it seem like our immune systems aren’t as strong as they used to be?
“When one looks at immune health from an evolutionary viewpoint, we were much more physically active a thousand years ago, even a hundred years ago than today, and we were exposed to a lot more pathogens. Our immune system was being stimulated in many ways more than it is today. We have a lot of new things…never before on the planet, artificial things you name it, that weren’t present. Still, [from an] evolutionary viewpoint, stay busy, stay healthy, do manual work, [and] exercise. Today my favorite way to exercise is odd, but I like gardening. I like growing things and digging in the ground and planting things.”

Any advice for someone struggling with motivation when it comes to health?
“If someone is struggling right now with motivation to become healthier…or exercise more in anything, they need to start slowly and gradually. It [the lack of motivation] also could be incredibly psychological, they’re just way down there burnt out and they really need to look at the lifestyle and look at a change. What people can do today is to stay physically active, breathing good air, [and] avoiding unnatural ingredients. We don’t know the full role of unnatural ingredients…in causing cancer. Even from the psychological perspective there are scientific studies showing if you have more pain and more fear in your life, then you’re more likely to get a cancer and less likely to even recover from it.”

Are the mind & body really as connected as people say? Is that correct?
“The mind body connection is absolutely correct it’s accurate and it’s a two-way street. You know if you if you trip over something, hurt your leg, twist your ankle, you’re going to feel bad…it is a two-way street that I have found, so the mind body connection is very real and the other hand it’s such a tricky thing. If you feel something you don’t want to just totally deny like it ever happened, you want to react to it, but you don’t want to retain it. Someone can create anything they want, their thoughts and their emotions, and it takes a little practice, we’re not particularly use to that in the western society, but just being appreciative, [having] gratitude, taking your time and slowing things down so that you could enjoy the plant. Be happy that you either the computer that you can get to someone on an email and see what’s going on. [Appreciate] what we have that we can use it and [appreciate] other people and never [doubt] yourself.”

Dr. Mark Laursen Strong

What’s your take on Leaky Gut Syndrome?
“For leaky gut problem, keep in mind the gut is supposed to be leaky to a degree. We have to take in all our good nutrition, but what about when bad things get in like bacteria in food products that aren’t supposed to be there that we’re reacting to? So a food that’s not right for them could be a problem, an h pylori that’s running all over the place could be a problem, candida could be a problem, but it is I think directly related to overall immune health because it takes it down, and you might not have any reserve left to fight something else that would come along, even a common cold.”

What can I do (safely) to get a better night’s rest?
“A lot of people do not sleep very well, most people will acknowledge they know someone or maybe themselves that don’t sleep well. My number one sleep medication is magnesium. It has to be in capsule form, cannot be an oxide so it’s absorbable. Magnesium helps people sleep, but often it’s also not what people need to take to sleep better, it is what they need to stop doing. So, after drinking 4 cups of coffee, especially later in the day, maybe they got too much caffeine. Maybe they’re doing other projects that are stimulants that they shouldn’t, maybe there so obsessed about their work, or in fear of their job or something…well that’s going to keep you awake. So again, there are many possible reasons for someone not sleeping, and I like to look at a mall and address them all.”

I’ve always been a little overweight. What can I do if I’m not the ‘gym’ type?
“A lot of people are overweight today, and the number one thing they can do in my opinion is start walking. Very simple, just walk. I don’t care if it’s a half a block, start becoming physically active, it does something, it makes the bowels move. There are many potential reasons [to being overweight], if you’re constantly fighting things from your GI system you can have chronic inflammation which is going to set up plaque anywhere in your body, any organ or your arteries themselves, of course that would be a heart block and a heart attack, or even a stroke.”

Dr. Mark Laursen Yoga

What about meditation? Can it physically help you feel better?
“As far as meditations, there are single point meditations where you look at one thing you know and you focus on that only, then there’s no point meditation where you have nothing in focus. But I wouldn’t even do those until contemplations are done. …to contemplate the things that are most important to them in the world. The technique is you keep on asking why until you get no more why’s, and you follow that back into your internal essence.”

I’m excited about natural ways to stay healthy. What are some ways to do that?
“One of the natural ways that you can boost your immune system and keep yourself generally healthy is to go outside and breathe fresh air… exercise, move your body. We’re like a sponge, you want everything moving, it does something. I think science still hasn’t discovered the full extent that exercise helps the overall immune system and health. I like to be moving, I’m really someone who is more me when I’m dancing and moving, and it could be all times. I just love it. Sometimes it’s watching things move, if you’re watching the ocean or the waves, there’s something that you are still translating. Go to nature. Put in this place we have too much modern-day data.”

Dr. Mark Laursen Healthy Smile

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