How to Get Rid of Dark Underarms


Are dark underarms your problem? Perhaps, you have stopped wearing sleeveless tops or bikinis because you don’t want to surprise people with the dark truth.  Worry not though, as there are always solutions to any problem. The following offers you with a great start regarding natural remedies to use to heal dark underarms.

Natural Remedies for Dark Underarms


This Indian spice isn’t only known in the culinary arts and cooking but also as a beauty enhancer. Did you know that it contains a compound called curcumin? This is a type of antioxidant that will help in lightening your skin tone. It is also considered as one of the best home remedies for dark underarms. For the best results, you just have to combine it with lemon juice and make a paste. Then, apply and leave it for up to 15 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.

Tomato Juice

Natural tomato juice is one of the best remedies for dark underarms.  It has a lightening effect plus the ability of reducing sweating. If you don’t know yet, sweating is a major cause of dark armpits. It works like lemon for its bleaching properties that will help in reducing discoloration as well. Just slice a tomato and rub it on your underarms. It will also help if you apply and leave it overnight.

Lemon juice

This fruit has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, making it one of the best bleaching agents out there! It has the power of lightening skin and exfoliating dead cell layers, allowing new skin cells to surface. In the process, you will achieve whiter underarms. All you have to do is to rub it on the area for 15 minutes before taking a shower. Do it twice a day for the best results.


You might be surprised to know but potato is one of the best foods containing bleaching properties.  All you have to do is to take a few slices to massage on the affected area for five minutes. After, you can rinse it with water. Do the same procedure for up to three times a week for the best results.

Vitamin E Oil

You should consider fighting dry skin and getting rid of it to prevent skin pigmentation and darkening. Vitamin E oil is of the best solutions to keep skin moisturized and nourished. A few good choices include almond oil or coconut oil. Any is effective in combating dark and dry skin Just apply the oil containing Vitamin E on your skin and massage it for about 20 minutes daily. After a few weeks, you will notice the big difference.

Baking Soda and Lemon

You can get rid of dark underarms using this remedy. All you need is to mix baking soda with lemon juice to make a paste. Scrub it on the affected area for about three minutes before rinsing off with water. Repeat the same procedure for up to twice a week for the best results.

Try these natural remedies for dark underarms and notice lighter skin in weeks. While the results might vary from one person to another, these remedies are still worth trying because they don’t harm the skin but help it achieve lighter complexion and tone.

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