How to combat free radicals and slow down skin aging

skin aging

Antioxidants are guardians of our health and their importance consists of neutralizing the free radicals that damage our cells by causing oxidative stress. Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms with unpaired number of electrons that are formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules. These unpaired electrons cause them to be highly reactive and, in the body, they start domino-like chain reactions, trying to “steal” electrons from our cells and thus harming them. When they interact with cell membranes or DNA, the affected cells lose their function or even die, which is known as oxidative damage. This oxidative damage is the common pathway for a variety of diseases, ranging from skin aging to cancer.

Advertisements and articles about antioxidants are everywhere around us nowadays, explaining how important they are for maintaining the health and well-being of our organism. However, in order to understand how these antioxidants, work their magic, first we need to know what exactly do they fight against and what are the consequences of not supplying our bodies with sufficient quantity of antioxidants. The body itself is not able to produce the necessary amount, so it’s very important to keep track of the number of antioxidants we take with our diet every day.

Knowing just how dangerous these free radicals can be, it is now easier to understand why are antioxidants the most powerful weapon that we have against them. Antioxidants are molecules which can safely interact with free radicals and terminate these chain reactions before vital molecules are damaged. Some antioxidants work in the water parts of the cell while others protect the lipid layers of cellular membranes, so it is important to have balanced levels of antioxidants in or bodies.

Luckily for us, there are also some antioxidants that work in both water and lipid-based medium. One such substance is alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), well-known for its beneficial effects on multiple systems in our bodies. There is strong evidence from clinical studies that ALA is beneficial for patients with type 2 diabetes because it improves insulin resistance and neurovascular damage caused by high levels of blood glucose. Also, since it is so potent in fighting the free radicals from the environment that damage the skin, it slows down the process of skin aging and contributes to the health and vitality of the skin. The body is able to produce small amounts of ALA which are not sufficient, so it is important that the levels of ALA are kept constant by sufficient intake from diet and supplements.

One such supplement that ensures the necessary daily dose of ALA needed for a healthy organism is a whole-body, multifunctional antioxidant that helps to maintain healthy, well-functioning cells. What makes this ALA supplement different and much better than any other similar product on the market is its revolutionary patented controlled-release formula which provides extended cell protection. Not only does it help produce glutathione – the body’s main antioxidant, it also boosts the activity of other antioxidants such as vitamin C and E as well as coenzyme Q10 by enabling them to fight free radicals for a prolonged period of time, and therefore protecting your body from the harmful consequences of oxidative stress.


The positive health effects of ALA often are complemented with biotin, also known as Vitamin B7, which has beneficial effects on skin, hair and nails. It is also a coenzyme involved in the metabolism of nutrients, and in this revolutionary product it enhances the effects of ALA in regulating the glucose metabolism and therefore reducing insulin resistance. In addition to that, it also helps in keeping the vital and youthful look of the skin while also protecting skin cells from harmful free radicals and slowing down skin aging.

The effects of this innovative product are visible after a short period of use and they include reducing the wrinkling caused by oxidative damaging of skin collagen, sagging due to breaking of the elastic fibers and improving skin discolorations such as dark spots or disrupted blood vessels. Just two capsules a day – one before breakfast and another one before dinner are enough to meet your daily ALA and biotin needs and maintain your body in good condition. Should you have any questions about ALA or its interactions with any other medications or supplements you might be taking, you are advised to check with a doctor.

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