How Green Tea May Lengthen Your Lifespan


Have you ever been wondering why aging happens? According to a theory, it occurs as a consequence of the reactions happening in the cells of the body. And due to the reactions, toxins in the form of free radicals are produced.

It is because these free radicals damage the healthy cells through depleting them of collagen and oxygen, which keeps the radiance and elasticity of the skin cells. So without even saying, you will look older with more free radicals in your body.   What can you do to slow down the process of aging? The secret seems to be in that cup of green tea.

How Green Tea Helps Against Aging

If you’re a fan of green tea, you’ll get more than that refreshing feeling after downing a cup of it after a meal or before meditation. Check out the following why you will love green tea even more when it comes to extending lifespan and keeping you young looking and healthy.

May prevent memory loss

Another benefit of green tea in adding years to your life is its ability to help you prevent memory loss or developing neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

It can prevent the breaking down of acetylcholine linked with memory and can inhibit both beta-secretase and BuCh,e, both found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients.

More so, the powerful plant food is revealed to contain the flavonoids, antioxidants that can protect the brain from oxidative stress and damage.

Diabetes prevention

For its anthocyanidins and flavan-3-ols, green tea may improve glycemic control and regulate blood sugar levels. And as it has anti-inflammatory properties as well, it can be beneficial for those who are suffering from type 2 diabetes.

Brain health

Free radicals can harm the healthy brain cells. When they do, they deplete the healthy cells with what they need to function well, such as oxygen.

In fact, Salk Institute researchers discovered that green tea along with foods like cocoa, grapes and blueberries had improved mice’s memory (2007).   Green tea’s epicatechin particularly was found to have been promoting the brain’s blood vessel growth.

It can also protect the brain cells because epicatechin has the ability of crossing the blood and brain barrier.   Certain studies had it that this antioxidant seemed to protect the brain cells from the damaging beta-amyloid plaques.

Heart health

One of the most known benefits of green tea throughout the century is its ability to protect the heart, mainly for its   antioxidants called anthocyanidin.

This antioxidant is discovered to have the ability of benefitting cardiovascular and metabolic health. It’s said that green tea is able to prevent the many risk factors associated with the development of a cardio disease because it can control cholesterol and prevent high blood pressure.

It’s also revealed that this beverage contains 10 beta-blocking compounds, 16 diuretic compounds and 7 calcium blockers.   In addition, it has higher levels of ACE inhibiting properties versus other plant foods available, increasing the amount of blood and reducing blood pressure.


Protecting the brain and heart, preventing memory loss and reducing one’s risk to diabetes, green tea is definitely one of nature’s gifts to people because all these things can lead to a longer lifespan.

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