Healthy food for healthy joints

Healthy food for healthy joints

The importance of healthy food simply cannot be stressed enough. It is a well-known fact that the health of your bones and joints deteriorates as you age, but did you know that your eating habits also have a significant impact on their well-being? Certain food contains ingredients that stimulate the regeneration of damaged cartilage, soothe the inflammation and reduce pain and stiffness.  Here are some tips on what to include in your diet, as well as other useful advice on keeping your joints healthy and moving pain-free in the years to come.


Antioxidants combat the harmful free radicals. Free radicals are tiny and very reactive molecules that have the potential to cause great harm to your body. Daily consumption of foods rich in antioxidant ensures that you stay safe from their harmful effects, which range from skin aging to cell DNA mutations and even cancer. Fresh fruit and vegetables, especially the green leafy ones are rich in antioxidants, so make sure you include them in your everyday meals. Flavonoids such as quercetin found in green tea, red onions and Ginko Biloba also have very strong antioxidant properties.


Omega-3 fatty acids are typically recommended for the health of your heart and blood vessels, but your joints will also benefit from their regular intake. Salmon, mackerel, shellfish and even sardines are all a great source of anti-inflammatory fatty acids that ease the symptoms of arthritis such as morning stiffness and chronic joint pain.


Never underestimate the power of spices. Turmeric is more than just a curry component. In fact, recent studies have shown that its main component curcumin has pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties on the same level as ibuprofen. Thanks to its rather neutral taste, you can add it in pretty much any dish you cook and even in smoothies and coffee.


Keep a healthy body weight. Every extra pound you carry increases the pressure on your joints and bones. Besides, losing excess weight will have many more health benefits as well as boosting your self-esteem, so don’t wait for Monday to start a diet or purchase a gym membership.


Don’t forget physical activity. Regular exercising is a key part of keeping your joints healthy, and there are many joint-friendly physical activities such as swimming, water aerobics, cycling or even simply walking that you should consider doing.


Provide enough rest. Physical activity should never be intense to the point of causing exhaustion or pain. Allow yourself enough time to rest from exercising or your daily duties, and of course make sure you get a sufficient amount of good night sleep.


And last but not least, consider supplementing the natural building blocks of joints and cartilage. Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are key parts of normal cartilage, but as it wears off with aging it becomes necessary to supplement these components in order to improve the function of the joints, soothe the pain and inflammation as well as slow down the progression osteoarthritis. In addition to this, amino acids such as methionine help rebuild damaged cartilage. A sufficient daily intake of all these nutrients can be a tricky task to achieve, which is why you should consider taking supplements such as ArthroActive that contain high, yet completely natural and safe amounts of these precious nutrients. Within the first few weeks of taking ArthroActive, our satisfied customers have reported significant decrease in pain and improvement in range of motion. Just two pills a day are guaranteed to help you relieve your symptoms, and in the rare event of not achieving the expected results, you will get your money back with no questions asked. Give yourself the chance to live a happy and fulfilled life without limitations and pain!

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