Foods That Cause Stress and That Make You Happy


Food is a very important element in life. Children and adults love to see what is for breakfast, lunch, supper, and even the little snacks and meals in between. Food is just really a part of everyone’s life. But have you ever observed when your mood suddenly changes after eating something? You are okay. It is normal. There are foods that can cause stress, and some will make you happy. Hence, have a look at some of these foods.

Foods that cause stress

Fast food

Whether it is take out or dine-in, fast food contains a lot of sodium. Sodium increases your stress level and blood pressure. Because of this, you will have a day of laziness, and just wants to be a couch potato.

Foods with refined sugar

Ice cream is one of many people’s favorite. However, too much of it can stress you. Foods that contain refined sugar such as ice cream increase the stress hormones in your body.

These hormones include cortisol. Unused refined sugar in your body can cause your blood glucose level go down. While your blood glucose falls, your cortisol goes up, and these situations will trigger hunger and will continue to make you feel stressed.


Mornings are not the same without a cup of coffee, well for many people. Caffeine can jumpstart your morning. However, not all cups of coffee are the same. Dopamine, which is a chemical compound from caffeine, can slow down the absorption of mood-balancing nutrients such as Vitamins B and D.


Too much alcohol in your body, even wine, can increase the hormones that trigger anxiety in your body. It raises your heart rate and blood pressure. Also, alcohol can disturb your sleep pattern, leaving you uncomfortable the next day.

Foods that can make you happy

Dark Chocolates

Switching from your normal chocolates into dark is not bad all, especially when you want to be happy. Dark chocolates reduce the production of the stress hormone cortisol.


This fish can be enjoyed raw, fried, grilled, or baked. But whatever you want it to be, Salmon can make you happy. It contains omega-3 fatty acids that can improve your mood, hence, prevent depression.

Green Tea

Maybe it is not a bad idea for Green Tea to be your morning drink instead of coffee. If not, you should be drinking it in the afternoon when you feel stressed. According to a study, drinking more than five cups of green tea every day will lower your psychological stress level by 20%.

Fruits and vegetables

A great consumption of fruits and veggies gives you more energy, and calmness. This means happiness. Studies show that a high intake of fruits and vegetables does not only affect the day when you consume them, but also for the following one. This is not hard to do if you really want to be happy. Just always include fruits and vegetables in all your meals, and you are good to go.

These are some of the foods you have to take note of. Now, you have the choice if you want to be stressed or to be happy. It’s your decision. Choose well. Avoid foods that make you feel stressed and choose those that can make you happy.

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