Eating Posture and Health


Food is very important for your health, but the relationship between your eating posture and your health is also vital. What you eat and how much you eat will catch up with you sooner or later.

The nutrients (or the lack of them) and the calories affect the way you look and feel, but we cannot overlook this food-related factor.

The repercussions of your eating posture and your health are considerably high   

Most people do not see this as important. They do not pay attention to whether they sit, lay down, stand, or walk while they are eating. The fast-paced modern lifestyle most of us lead often prevents us from enjoying food properly. We eat in the car, on the street, in bed, etc. We just eat, because only that matters, right?

Not really.

The position in which you choose to eat can affect your health 

Let’s explain how.

Laying Down Eating Posture and Health

Laying down while eating is not as uncommon as it might seem. In the past, it was practiced as a symbol of power and prestige, by people belonging to higher social classes.

Today, some people lay down on a sofa while eating usually in front of the TV. Other people enjoy breakfast in bed. Binge eaters, especially, tend to lay down while eating.

Whatever the reason, this position is not very good for eating. Some studies show that laying down while eating, even partially, greatly increases the risk of discomfort and bloating after meals.

This happens because laying down slows down the digestion process 

Also, it often leads to overeating and obesity which, in turn, leads to an increased desire to eat in this position. It’s a health-hazardous circle.

Another potentially concerning thing about eating while laying down is the body position which makes choking on food more likely to occur.


Sitting is the “normal” eating position. It is the most common way to eat. Most restaurants encourage eating in this position.

Furthermore, sitting seems to be the natural position for humans to eat. The traditions of many different cultures, from all over the world, prove this.

If you sit down while eating, you will have all the optimal conditions to relax, eat at a healthy speed, and consume just the right amount of food.

Your body can also digest and absorb the nutrients from food much better, compared to when you eat laying down.

Standing Posture and Health

Historically speaking, standing was probably the least common position to eat in. However, modern times have brought the rise of easily accessible fast food, and street food ready to eat on the go.

The lifestyle of many people nowadays forces them to eat at least one meal standing up, daily. Very often they must move while eating. Needless to say, this leaves little time to relax and enjoy the food.

However, standing while eating is not as bad as it seems 

This eating position boosts the digestion of food and helps you burn more calories.

On the other hand, if you eat standing up you are bound to eat faster and might end up eating more than you should. Also, faster digestion can cause you to feel hungry sooner.

Scientists think that standing while eating can reduce acid reflux and heartburn, while it can also be the cause of bloating.

With all the good and the bad, it seems that the benefits of eating while standing comes down to what you eat as well as how fast and how often you eat it.


The Bottom Line about Eating Posture and Health

When it comes to eating, time is important. The best way to eat under healthy conditions is to enjoy food in a relaxed state. Being mindful of how and what you are eating. For this you need time. When you sit down for a meal, make it a small ritual. Enjoy the flavors, chew the food, and do not rush. This is the best way to promote quality digestion, prevent bloating, and make the optimal use of all the nutrients.

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