Friday, May 17, 2024
Foot diabetic complications is one of the most common ailments related to Diabetes mellitus, therefore a proper diabetic foot care education is crucial. Long-term exposure of blood vessels and peripheral nerves to high blood glucose levels is the main cause...
A couple months ago, I was bathing my 6 year-old son after dinner when he said: “Mom, why do you have bruises under your eyes?” His concern was sweet but it freaked me out. I had no idea how...
Using the right skincare products is one of the keys to keep a youthful-glowing skin.   It can make the big difference when it comes to avoiding the signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles. And as skin also...
Aromatherapy turns out to be a great anti-aging solution aside from being a relaxing way to end a day or reduce stress. The practice making use of plant-derived oils to manage stress, tighten muscles or treat infection can also...
We can all agree that skincare is important, therefore, knowing the ingredients in skincare products is even more so. Healthy skin is good-looking skin, and good-looking skin is a great source of confidence. But, how can you know which skincare...