4 mental health apps that are worth the download

best mental health apps

The conversation around mental health is growing every day. Mental health issues are more common than most people realize. More than 43 million Americans experiencing mental illness each year. On top of that, one in five Americans will experience a mental illness in their life. And one in 25 Americans live with a serious mental illness. That’s why app developers keep designing more and more apps to help different mental health issues. But what actually helps? Even the best mental health apps aren’t substitutes for true medical treatment. But they can still be very useful. Mental health apps can be a great way to learn about your own mental health. And they provide tools, designed by professionals, to target your issue. We chose four of the best mental health apps out there for you to check out.

Best app for anxiety and depression: Sanvello

Anxiety is the most common mental health disorder in the United States. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults in the U.S. ages 18 and older each year. This about 18.1% of the population. Sanvello is an app most often used to reduce anxiety and help with stress and depression.

According to Sanvello, “Stress, anxiety, and depression can get in the way of you living your life. The app gives you psychologist-designed tools to address them based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, mindfulness meditation, relaxation, and mood/health tracking.” The app lets you to keep track of your feelings, moods and behavior, and offers exercises and techniques tailored to your specific needs. There is also a community forum on the app that allows you to connect with other Sanvello users going through a common issue for peer support. Research has shown that users of the app have seen improvement in mild to moderate cases of anxiety and depression, and experience lasting effects.

Sanvello is available for both iOS and Android. The app has a free and premium version, which allows access to most of Sanvello’s resources. Compared to other apps, like Headspace and Calm, Sanvello’s premium subscription is a less expensive option at $8.99 a month. Other in-app purchases/subscriptions are available for access to coaching and therapy. Your health insurance may cover Sanvello’s costs.

Best app for insomnia: CBT-I Coach

If you suffer from insomnia, the CBT-I Coach app could be useful for you. Not only can a lack of sleep cause other mental health issues, it can also cause physical health problems. CBT-I stands for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for insomnia. This is evidence-based psychotherapy for treating insomnia, that’s proven to work for both veterans and civilians. The intention is for you to  use the app along with your CBT-I therapist or healthcare professional, but you can also use it on its own if you wish.

If you’re using the app alone, be mindful that CBT-I Coach is not a replacement for therapy. You should instead use it as a way to improve your sleep habits. The app is a collaboration between Veteran Affairs’ National Center for PTSD, Stanford School of Medicine, and DoD’s National Center for Telehealth and Technology. CBT-I Coach claims to “guide users through the process of learning about sleep, developing positive sleep routines, and improving their sleep environments.” The app features a structured program that teaches users strategies to improve sleep and ease insomnia symptoms. The CBT-I Coach app is free to use, and available for download on both iOS and Android.

Best app for substance abuse therapy: Pear reSET

There are other apps recovery-based apps available to choose from, but Pear reSET, from Pear Therapeutics, is the first mobile medical app approved by the FDA to help treat substance use disorders. This app is a 12 week (90-day) digital therapy schedule, with check-ins and lessons, to help guide users through recovery. After each lesson, users will take a quiz to receive virtual rewards. You can do the lessons at your own pace.

This app is available for those 18 and older who are currently enrolled in outpatient treatment. One clinical trial of 399 patients showed that those receiving standard treatment with the addition of the app, saw improved treatment outcomes. The data also showed an increase in adherence to abstinence for patients with alcohol, cocaine, marijuana and stimulant substance use disorders, at 40.3%. Compared to those who didn’t use the app, the rate of abstinence was 17.6%.

Pear reSET is available for both iOS and Android. The app is free, but you’ll need a prescription code from your therapist or doctor to access it.

Best meditation app: Insight Timer

You can use mindfulness as a tool to help with sleep issues, reduce stress and control anxiety. Stress and anxiety are major triggers for depression, and meditation can be something to lower levels of both. According to Dr. John W. Denninger, director of research at the Benson-Henry Institute at Massachusetts, says, “Meditation trains the brain to achieve sustained focus, and to return to that focus when negative thinking, emotions, and physical sensations intrude – which happens a lot when you feel stressed and anxious.”

Insight Timer is a great meditation app that gives you plenty of options to fit your every day mood. The free app features 90,000 guided meditations, yoga classes, music tracks and more. You won’t need to pay a fee or use expensive hardware to access the yoga classes. Insight Timer claims to offer “the largest free library of guided mediations.” Some of these guided mediations feature celebrity instructors like Gisele Bündchen and Goldie Hawn. The app also offers live sessions with an array of teachers from around the world, every hour of the day. Another feature on Insight Timer is a “For Parents” section, including classic bedtime stories read aloud. This meditation app available for both iOS and Android.

Final thoughts

Remember, none of these apps are a replacement for therapy, medication, or any other professional medical care. Speak to your healthcare provider if you’re unsure about using any of the apps mentioned above.

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