Anti-Aging: Here Are Simple Ways to Optimize Sleep


Optimize your sleep if you’re looking to get the best anti-aging results from your diet and exercise routine. Did you know that simply getting enough shuteyes every night is good for overall well-being and skin?

Yes, quality sleep is one of the keys for that anti-aging you’re looking for because it can make you look more youthful and allows skin to repair itself while you’re sleeping.

How to get quality sleep

So, how do you get quality sleep each night?   Check out the following simple ways on how to achieve that.

Avoid overeating or drinking alcohol before bed

For example, eating too much before bedtime will give your body a hard time to work in order to digest food, affecting sleep quality negatively.

The same goes with alcohol, which can also toll on the quality of sleep to get. While alcohol may seem to make you feeling drowsy, it can do more harm than good in terms of sleep. With it, you might fall asleep fast, but it also affects how deep your sleep will be, giving you the tendency to wake up in the middle of the night.

Turn off those electronics

In this very connected world, you might find it hard to disconnect and go offline even at night. But in case you don’t know yet, the blue light emitted by   mobile devices could stimulate your brain and give it a hard time to slow down to prepare for sleep.

Blue light also inhibits melatonin production reducing your desire to sleep. So if you want to get a good night sleep, you must see to it that you avoid using electronics at least an hour before going to bed.

Make sure your room has a cool temperature

A warm temperature will just make you toss and turn, giving you trouble sleeping. If you want to sleep faster and better, be sure to cool you room for a deep sleep.

Before going to bed, you should turn down the thermostat before going to bed in order to optimize your room’s temperature.

Stop coffee consumption by 5 pm

Even if you’re a huge fan of coffee, you should not drink it later in the day to avoid having troubled sleeping. Did you know that it stays in your system for a couple of hours and will interfere in sleep by the time you need it?

More tips to optimize sleep

Before sleeping, there are also certain things you can try in order to take care of your skin to slow down aging. Check them out.

  • Wash your face before sleeping to achieve beautiful and refreshed skin the following morning. You should also do it to remove makeup, which can clog the pores and irritate skin.
  • Don’t forget your eyes to reduce fine lines around it. You can use a gel or cream specially made for the area to prevent it from looking dull and dry.
  • Use an antioxidant loaded moisturizer. One of the keys to take care of skin before bed is to use a moisturizer with antioxidants, which can make it look radiant and fair.

Follow these tips on how to optimize sleep as well as ways to take care of skin before bedtime so that it looks fresh, radiant and healthy the next day.

Do you think we missed a tip or two on how to achieve quality sleep every night? Tell us in the comments.

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