Anti-Aging Aromatherapy: Best Essential Oils and Benefits


Aromatherapy turns out to be a great anti-aging solution aside from being a relaxing way to end a day or reduce stress. The practice making use of plant-derived oils to manage stress, tighten muscles or treat infection can also keep you looking and feeling young. Discover more in the following.

Anti-Aging Benefits of Aromatherapy

Stress reduction: Massage using essential oils as a part of an aromatherapy is a great way to reduce stress.   It works because of the aromatic compounds from the plants that can soothe your senses and reduce anxiety. One of the best essential oils for stress relief is lavender oil, which is why it is preferred by those looking for a relaxing massage.


Aromatherapy can also extend one’s life because of its ability to eliminate depression.   Some of the best essential oils that work to eliminate depression include jasmine, chamomile and lavender.

Memory boost

One of the effects of aging is memory loss. Aromatherapy can help you prevent it to some extent especially among seniors having difficulty in forming short-term memories. Aromatherapy is a supplemental or alternative treatment for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.   It can offer a refreshing boost for the brain. An essential oil you can rely on for the effect is sage, which is known for its memory-enhancing effect.

Improved energy levels

Aromatherapy is unlike other stimulants like   energy pills or coffee that can have damaging effects to the body.   Essential oils are natural energy enhances that can promote better blood circulation and increased energy levels.   They can also stimulate the mind and body, and a few sources include cinnamon, tea tree and angelica.

Anti-Aging Essential Oils

Jojoba oil

A potent source of vitamin B complex, vitamin E, copper, silicon, chromium and zinc, this essential oil is also a natural source of iodine especially among those deficient of it.

This non-comedogenic, non-pore clogging oil is also one of the best options when it comes to skin hydration, one of the best ways to prevent accelerated aging.

Jojoba oil also has antioxidants, which work by soothing and reducing fine lines and wrinkles and slowing down aging.

Also, jojoba oil has the ability to stimulate collagen production and speedy healing of wounds.

Frankincense Oil

Are you trying to achieve even skin tone and reduce sunspots/age spots? The answer might be in Frankincense oil, which is a natural astringent.

The essential oil can be used in treating acne blemishes and reducing pore size and creases, like wrinkles.   You can also use it to reduce sagging belly skin, under the eyes skin and jowls. This oil can also reduce the appearance of surgery scars and stretch marks.

Pomegranate Seed Oil

This oil is one of the most potent sources of anti-aging flavonoids particularly biflavonoids that can prevent sun damage.   It also has SPF, which acts as a natural sunblock to apply to skin directly before going out the sun.

Lavender Oil

Improving cellular communication and skin healing are two of the main benefits of lavender. It is also the reason it’s used in relieving burns and cuts and helping the body produce more superoxide dismutase, catalase and gluthione. All these can fight free radical damage for that firm and young skin.

What are you waiting for? Try aromatherapy and notice the big difference today!

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