Maintaining Health During the Holidays: Tips and Tricks


Maintaining Health During the Holidays: Tips and Tricks

The holidays are normally the time of plenty. All the food, drinks, presents, and social events can be overwhelming. Overeating, increased consumption of alcohol, and stress can take their toll on your health during the holidays. 

Scientists have proven that most people tend to gain a little weight during the holiday season. They also believe that this weight gain is the most probable reason for the age-related increase in body mass. It seems that holiday season pounds do not disappear in spring and summer. They rather accumulate over the years.

Excessive eating might be the biggest and the most obvious health hazard associated with the holiday season, but it is not the only one.

Potential dangers threatening your health during the holidays


Alcohol seems to be everywhere during the holidays. It is a fully accepted, and often a popular, part of the seasonal festivities and social gatherings. With plenty of free time and numerous opportunities to drink, it is not unusual to exaggerate now and then.

Still, the health-damaging effects of alcohol consumption are not put on hold by the merry mood and the holiday spirit. Alcohol remains very bad for health. Even if you do not notice it, your liver, pancreas, heart, and brain surely do.

So, try to keep your alcohol intake at a minimum. This way you will enjoy more with far fewer consequences.

Lack of physical activity during the holidays

For many, holidays are the time to rest. Everything we are used to do is put on hold, including daily chores and activities that normally engage our metabolic machinery. So, sitting, eating, watching movies, and sleeping is pretty much all we do.

This lack of movement is a common health problem during the holiday season. In combination with overeating and alcohol, it becomes an even bigger issue. It is certainly a major factor behind the never-ending seasonal weight gain.


Overeating is a given during holidays. It is both socially accepted and expected. Maybe you even look forward to it and make your plans for it. It is a deeply rooted tradition, often practiced by even the most vigilant WeightWatchers.

It is hard not to eat a lot with all those delicious foods around you and the lack of judgment by our friends and families. However, you should try to control it a bit better. Choose some healthier food options, throw some fresh fruits and vegetables (vitamins and minerals) into the mix. Try to be more active, and limit the alcohol intake to compensate for all the extra calories that festive eating brings.

Mental health during the holidays

The holiday season is the best time for positive thoughts and wishes, for kindness and new beginnings. But it can also be a time of depression and nostalgia. Especially for people who are lonely, sick, or going through a bad period in their life.

This is why it is important to be kind but not intrusive. Remember, not everyone enjoys holidays as much as you do.


Holidays are the time when most accidents happen. Plenty of free time, alcohol, sharp meat-cutting knives, hot cooking appliances, candles, and all-night Christmas lights are a bad mix.

The best advice is to be careful. Maybe more than usual. Relaxed mood and alcohol-induced confidence can trigger all kinds of wild adventures that can end in terrible accidents.

Maintaining health during the holidays, The Final Word

You might feel like the holiday season is the perfect excuse to eat, drink, and party as much as you want. However, holidays do count. They are not a time out of normal life, they are a part of it. So, whatever you do this holiday season, do it with yours and the well-being of others in mind.

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