Male Hormones and Depression: What You Need to Know


While most of us don’t realize the connection, male hormones and depression have a synonymous relationship.

True, we may associate other factors such as PTSD or genetics with symptoms of depression, though for men there is often more to it than that. This includes the possibility of underproduction of testosterone (T), which is usually associated with feelings of low self-esteem and poor outlook. (1)

Men’s Hormonal Imbalance and Mental Health

For men, T is associated with most of our male characteristics.

TestosteroneThese include:

  • Body hair
  • Large, strong muscles
  • Male virility, including sperm production and strong erections
  • Distribution of bodyfat

However, what we don’t often associate with T are the mental effects it has—or more specifically, the mental effects we experience in its absence. These include feelings of low self-esteem, brain fog and depression, all of which we may think are problems stemming from other sources.

But when you consider the psychological disorders caused by hormonal imbalance, the connection becomes apparent:

  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Poor memory
  • Poor concentration
  • Feelings of helplessness and depression

This is in addition to other symptoms of low T, such as low or nonexistent sex drive, low energy, sleep disruption, increased belly fat and the development of male breasts. Altogether, this points to the critical importance of ensuring your T levels are healthy. (2)

Reasons for Low T

While there are many reasons for a decreased supply of male hormones, the main cause tends to be age. This is because after around age 30, our T production begins to fall by about 1-2% per year. (3)

However, other factors can weigh in to either advance or slow this rate. So far as the reasons for increased reduction of T, this can be equated to:

  • Certain diseases
  • Medications
  • Obesity
  • Pituitary disorders

You will notice too that obesity plays a critical role in T numbers and the association of hormonal imbalance and mental health. This is because belly fat in particular inhibits your body’s ability to produce T.

However, this is a double-edged sword, since just as belly fat inhibits production of male hormones, low T increases belly fat. (4)

Psychological Disorders Caused by Hormonal Imbalance

The most common link between male hormone imbalance and depression is a glut of estrogen replacing healthy T numbers. Since estrogen is a female sex hormone which men also produce in small amounts, it produces some psychological disorders in men when its amounts increase.

These include:

  • Brain fog
  • Difficulty with concentration
  • Anxiety
  • Depressed mood
  • Irritability
  • Mood swings
  • Low energy

This goes along with the physical characteristics of low T, which include:

  • Increased belly fat
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Hair loss

What this means is that in addition to the direct effects of hormonal imbalance and mental health, the physical effects can compound feelings of low confidence and depression. (5, 6)

Keeping Your T Levels Healthy

While there is little which can ultimately be done to stop age-related hormonal decline (also commonly referred to as “andropause” in men), there are some things you can do to slow and reduce its effects.

This includes:

  • Avoiding soy products, since soy contains compounds which mimic estrogen
  • Get plenty of deep, restful sleep every night
  • Exercise regularly, especially high-intensity weight-bearing exercises and HIIT workouts
  • Eat a healthy diet which avoids processed foods and unhealthy fats such as trans fats or hydrogenated fats. Instead, adherence to a diet which includes full-spectrum fatty acids, multi-colored fruits and vegetables, legumes and whole grains is recommended
  • Reduce your stress, since as cortisol levels go up, T levels go down (7)
  • Get some sunshine, since adequate vitamin D levels have been shown to boost T levels by as much as 25%. Plus, sunshine helps your body produce serotonin, which also helps ward off depression (8)

Remember though that starting an exercise program and losing weight may have some additional hurdles if you are suffering from low T. This is because of testosterone’s relationship with energy production, which will be lacking in its absence.

However, the more you stick with an exercise and fat-loss program, the easier it gets once your T levels begin to rise.

A Healthy Outlook

When it comes to male hormones and depression, there is a connection which should not be ignored.

By taking measures to reduce symptoms of andropause including maintaining a healthy weight, exercising and eating right, you can better enjoy a positive outlook, more energy and greater confidence.




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