The Truth About Flu Vaccine – All You Need to Know


Most people have heard the term flu shots, as they are commonly known, but the actual truth about flu vaccines is still unfamiliar.

Unlike many other vaccines, flu shots are not always the same. They change very often, just like the influenza virus.

Flu vaccines or flu shots are designed to protect against the influenza virus  

They are highly successful in preventing breakouts of large-scale influenza epidemics. Immunization with flu vaccines is normally recommended to vulnerable groups such as young children, pregnant women, and the elderly.

Nowadays, when vaccination as a safe method of anti-infection protection is questioned more than ever, we bring you this article to help you make better decisions. Armed with all this crucial knowledge, you stand a great chance to welcome this year’s flu season as ready as you’ll ever going to be.

The Truth About Flu Vaccine and The Flu

Flu is a common name for the influenza virus. It is a highly contagious infectious disease. Flu spreads quickly and easily. Coughing and sneezing are mainly responsible but there are many other ways in which this virus can be transferred (e.g. handshakes, touch, kiss, etc.).

The symptoms of flu are usually not present immediately after the infection  

Normally, it takes one to three days for the first symptoms to appear. However, the infected person is immediately contagious and can spread the disease unknowingly.

When flu symptoms do appear, they commonly include:

  • High body temperature
  • Cold shivers and sweats
  • Muscle and joint ache
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Runny nose
  • Blocked nose
  • Cough
  • Sore throat

It is easy to notice that some flu symptoms are similar to the first signs of a common cold. Still, it is not difficult to tell the difference once the high temperature, cold sweats, and shivers kick in. These are all clear signs of a serious viral infection.

In some cases, the flu can pass without a fever. This can happen to people whose immune system is stronger or boosted with a flu shot.

When the infection takes a normal course, the symptoms usually resolve within one week. However, it is not uncommon for the feeling of general physical weakness to linger on for some time after.

The Truth about Flu Vaccine as a Flu Treatment

It is up to your immune system to defeat the virus. Drugs are rarely used to treat flu. A common mistake people make is to take antibiotics. These medications are made to combat bacterial infections and have absolutely no effect on viruses, such as influenza.

Some antiviral drugs can help in severe flu cases, but, the best way to prevent or reduce the severity of flu infections is to receive a flu shot. These vaccines enable moderate to high protection from the influenza virus. They are also the cheapest treatment, by far.

Is There a Universal Flu Vaccine?

The simple answer to this question is no. The reasons for this are a bit more complicated.

Two different virus strains are responsible for the disease we call the flu. These are the influenza virus strain A, and the influenza virus strain B. Each virus strain has many subtypes.

Researchers need to develop vaccines for all types of influenza. They must change the vaccine depending on the type that is circulating among the population at any given moment. This is the only way the vaccination can provide positive results.

Recently, some promising studies are showing that a universal flu vaccine could be made in a not so distant future. Scientists believe that a different approach to targeting viruses is the key here. They think that the new flu vaccine will be able to stimulate the body’s immune system to produce the antibodies which can fight several or all of flu types.

Are Flu Vaccines Safe?

Flu vaccines can have side effects. These range from a runny nose to severe allergic reactions. However, they are extremely rare and cannot compromise the benefits of influenza epidemic prevention.


The Bottom Line

Flu vaccines are safe, practical, and very important. For people with a weakened or compromised immune system, these Vaccines can often the difference between life and death. Flu vaccines rarely have any side effects and their extremely positive effect on public health outweighs any potential risks by a great margin.

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