Depression The Mind Body Connection


Physicians are obligated to have superior Consulting-Skills. If you were to take into consideration the amount of time available during the Primary-Care visitations. Practitioners question, searching within the complicated narrative of symptoms; consciously interpreting each unique challenge that is presented in front of them.

The Belief is, that about One in every Six individuals, within the United States alone, will be overwhelmed with Clinical Depression within their Lifetime.

Regardless of the predominance of Depression and the impact thereof, the understanding about the Pathophysiology, meaning… The functional alterations that characterize the condition are best said to be… Basic. When compared to the data obtained that is covering the additional well-known multifactorial conditions.

Depression is profoundly widespread. The numbers can be astounding, as approximately 20% of the cases that are frequenting their Primary Care exhibit the more clinically significant Depression-Symptoms… 

The Classic Symptoms Of Depression include…

  • Low Mood…
  • Fatigue…
  • Loss Of Interest…
  • Poor Concentration…
  • Anxiety…

Depression is multifactorial, as mentioned there above.

Reaching the many unique symptoms that are characteristic of the disease into all aspects of One’s Life, as well as their individual daily practices.

The knowledge that our Emotions and Psychological-Health also affect our Physical-Health is dating as far back as to the Second-Century Physician Claudius Galenus of ancient Rome. More famously recognized as Galen of Pergamon; the Greek Physician, Surgeon, and Philosopher. A physician, who can actually be debated as one of the most accomplished of all the medical researchers of the ancient past.

Despite all that, however…

The fact is that today, Modern Medicine widely continues to approach the Mind and Body independently…

Somatic Symptom Disorder…

This involves the experience of Psychological-Distress in the form of Physical – Symptoms.

This phenomenon is attempting to describe the Psychopathology that is stressing the more basic bodily functions; while causing alterations therewithin. Becoming core features that are now part of the Depressive-Mood-State. All of which have become termed…

“The Vital-Feelings.”

This is referring to the close relationship between the Body and the Mind, taking into account

“The awareness Of  Oneself” …

Defining of the ways we, ourselves are personally experiencing our own bodies. The impressions we assume our physical appearance, as well as our physical presence, makes on those from which we are nearby; in essence, this can be described as a “Hyper-Awareness” of oneself. Basically, more of the relative Bodily-Background-Experiences brought about by our own natural senses, that potentially, moves more so to the forefront in a Depressive-Mood-State. Altering our perceptions of our internal-physiology as well as our environment.

Once again this Hyper-Awareness of Oneself, as well as, the bodily-functions potentially goes forth causing poor concentration, with increased anxiety; causing a lowered-mood with our concentration directed more inward; towards our aches, and pains with discontent. Which alters as well as, dampens our motivations.  Bringing about a lack of Energy, causing the advancements in Fatigue.

In the past 30-years or so, the necessary investigations have begun to emerge; strengthening the connection that has been believed to exist all along.

This common-sense idea of advanced Psychological-Stress causing Illness has proceeded to gain the truth that is justified. However, despite the improved recognition of all the variables involved within the condition, Depression nevertheless remains tough for the Physicians to diagnose.

The appearance of the classic Psychological-Symptoms generally increases the suspicion of Depression. Although approximately Two-thirds of the Patients with Depression have a clinical picture that is dominated with the Somatic\bodily-symptoms.

The Somatic\Bodily Symptoms Examples Include…

  • Changes In Appetite…
  • Gastrointestinal Disturbances…
  • Lack Of Energy…
  • Sleep Disturbances…
  • Back-Pain…
  • Joint-Pain…
  • Limbs…  General Aches\Pains…
  • Headaches… Described as an Intolerable-Pressure,“ Band Around The Head”
  • Chest\Abdomen… Unpleasant Pressures, Sensations of weight, Heaviness, Tension… absorbing ones focus and attention…

This correlation between Depression and the Somatic\Bodily Symptoms has been appreciated for years. Both painful and nonpainful symptoms essentially characterize the clinical states of the Depressive-Mood. The resulting conclusion here, however still is that many of the Physicians have a tendency to become overwhelmed with the investigations into the Organic-Disease. Referring to the health condition pattern that is more Tissue or Organ related that is observable\measurable; rather than taking Depression into consideration for the description of symptoms.

These Somatic\Bodily-Symptoms increase the already viewed burden, as well as, the disability that is associated with Depression. A larger European Study displayed that the Depressive-Mood-State becomes more prolonged in the Patients with the mentioned there – above Somatic\Bodily Symptoms; said to be lengthened on the average of approximately 6-months. Generally, within each of us, there is the search for the more balanced emotional-state; rather than searching for the more extreme Mood-Highs.

Lifestyle-Strategies have exhibited to have a definite influence on the elevated Mood as well, increases the sense of well-being in those with Mild to Moderate Depression

The Holistic Approach…

  • Daily Practice of Meditation…

The practice of Mindfulness; Drawing your attention inward, calms the Mind, allows for the observance of one’s Thoughts, Feelings, and Bodily-Sensations, without the Stressful-Judgement. Encouraging the achievement of  Clear, Calm, Emotionally-Stable-State of consciousness. While addressing any Root-Cause to the Depressive-Mood State… Improving Internal Peace, Positive Perceptions, and Well-being

  • Exercise… 

Many Studies have demonstrated that there is no better method than Regular Aerobic Exercise Participation for the improvement of Emotional Health.

The association between exercise and the improved Physical as well as Psychological health is all too well established in both the Healthier populations and those with the more longer-term conditions. Depression is believed to be clearly linked with low levels of activity…

  • Dietary Interventions…

Approximately 90-years of research have exhibited the importance of Dietary Nutrients for Psychological Health. The initial investigations on nutrients relevant to Mental-Illness went on to observe Irritability and Mood-Disorders in those individuals known to be deficient in B-Vitamins.

With recordings of Positive improvements when treated with nutrients such as Manganese and Nicotinic-Acid.

Manganese a mineral found within several foods; Nuts, Legumes, Seeds, Tea, Whole-Grains, and Leafy Green Veggies.

Nicotinic-Acid also called Niacin or vitamin B-3 is found within foods such as ~ Yeast, Milk, Meat, tortillas, and Cereal-Grains.


The interest in the Nutrient-Studies faded as a result of the introduction to the Psychiatric-Medications; that happened to emerge within the 1950s.

Despite the lack of interest, however, the growing evidence still emerges about the effects of the Trace-Elements on the Brain and the Behavioral Functions; as zinc, copper, and magnesium have surfaced to play an important modulating role in the control a the subtype of Glutamate-Cellular-Receptor(NMDA receptor).

Glutamate, a principal Neurotransmitter for most excitatory Neurons in the Cerebral Cortex, which is playing an important role in Consciousness.

Issues appear to arise with the decreased levels of these Nutrients; producing abnormal Cellular-Receptor-Activities, and so, Abnormal Behavior.

The Researching Scientist continue on in their investigations of the effectiveness of The Nutritional-Healing-Interventions; combining the more Natural Course of Treatments to their thousands of Successful-Nutrient- Studies with the deciding statements mentioning that…

“Alternative Therapies, need not be an Alternative Anymore.”

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