5 Natural Remedies For Heartburn And Acid Reflux

Natural Remedy Heartburn

Heartburn isn’t only defined by its burning sensation. Sometimes acid reflux will feel more like pressure in the throat and chest area. There may be lots of burping. But there’s one thing all heartburn has in common. It feels awful!  

Let’s start with some quick biology. What you eat goes from the mouth, through the esophagus and into the stomach where digestion begins. Stomach acid aids in the digestion process.

There’s a doorway between the esophagus and the stomach that should only open towards the stomach. If something tries to go up from the stomach to the esophagus, the door should shut. If it doesn’t, acid will burn the esophagus. And now you have heartburn!

Conventional heartburn remedies include things like antacids and proton pump inhibitors. But what if you want to supplement your heartburn regimen with natural remedies? You may find improved relief. So today we’ll talk about 5 natural remedies to have you feeling better quick!  

DGL (Deglycyrhizinated Licorice Root)

DGL is a licorice extract. It has a similar enjoyable flavor to the candy. Meaning that if you like the taste of licorice candy, you’ll surely enjoy the taste of DGL.

tt’s a natural remedy that soothes heartburn. Just take it about 20 minutes before a meal to prevent acid reflux. It helps produce mucus which may reduce acid and prevent against heartburn.

DGL is usually quite safe to take. But just a note for those who’ve ever experienced high blood pressure. A component in licorice raises blood pressure. And the good news is that it’s removed from DGL. So DGL is considered safe for those with high blood pressure!

Herbal Teas

Many herbs work well with the digestive system to give you fast relief. So should you consider including herbal teas as part of your heartburn regimen? Absolutely. They can help minimize symptoms when heartburn starts to flare.

What are some good herbal teas to keep on hand? Teas like chamomile and ginger are very soothing. Licorice can be helpful for isolated bouts of heartburn. But for ongoing discomfort, use DGL. The licorice root used in tea contains the component that raises blood pressure.

And a word of caution about mint tea. Mint is so often associated with healthy digestion. It’s great for things like bloating and gas. But steer clear of mint when acid reflux rears its ugly head. Mint can aggravate reflux symptoms and make them way worse!

Natural Remedy Tea

Sleep On An Incline

Sleeping with your head raised works wonders if you’re experiencing heartburn symptoms or just want to prevent them. Remember, acid reflux happens when acid goes backwards into the esophagus, Sleeping on an incline can discourage this from happening.

When you sleep with your head raised, your head is higher than your stomach. And this means acid must leak in an upwards motion to get to your esophagus. Lay flat and it becomes more likely that reflux will be triggered.

There are a couple of ways to raise your head.. First you can physically raise the two legs of the bed that sit under the headboard, leaving your entire bed on a slant. Or a simpler option is to buy a wedge pillow. These are slanted pillows that naturally raise your head.

Aloe Juice

Do you remember getting a bad sunburn as a kid? Maybe you calmed the pain from that nasty burn with comforting aloe vera. Aloe instantly soothed the burn. And now as an adult, you can give your heartburn this same comfort from aloe juice.

Drinking aloe juice can feel fantastic when acid reflux flares. All that warmth and soreness from the hot acid will be instantly quieted. But aloe juice doesn’t just soothe the symptoms. It can also help calm the acid production that causes the reflux in the first place.

Just make sure not to overdo it with the aloe juice. You don’t want to take it in excess. Too much can lead to diarrhea and other issues.

Betaine HCL

Here’s some interesting food for thought. Heartburn may not always be triggered by high stomach acid. Even though it sounds counterintuitive, low levels of stomach acid are a main cause of heartburn. And in these cases, acid reduction makes things worse.

In fact, if you’re over 50, you’re incredibly likely to suffer from low stomach acid. Levels naturally decrease with age. This is where Betaine HCL helps because It increases the stomach’s production of hydrochloric acid. Take it before meals to soothe heartburn.

However, don’t treat yourself with Betaine HCL. This should always be used with healthcare supervision. You want confirmation that low stomach acid is the problem. And make sure you take the right dose or you could worsen heartburn.

Final Thoughts

Acid reflux doesn’t have to be a long-term sentence of misery. Try adding these natural remedies to soothe your inflammation and pain. And help yourself find the path to lasting relief.

Just make sure to talk with your doctor first. Some of these can conflict with certain medications. And your doctor can assess if these work well with your overall treatment plan. Bottom line: heartburn doesn’t need to get the best of you!

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