How Massage Helps for Anti-Aging


A massage is not just for pampering the body after a long day at work but also a great way to fight aging and its effects. If you want to know more reasons to get a therapeutic massage, check out the following.

Benefits of an Anti-Aging Massage

There are certain reasons getting a massage regularly are one of the best things you can do for yourself if you want to live longer. Some of them are in the following.

Muscle strain prevention

Bad skeletal alignment and muscular strain can lead to back pain. To prevent back pain with a natural treatment that does not involve medications or injections, you might want to consider a massage therapy, which is a great alternative and preventative therapy for any musculoskeletal disorder or problem.

Even massage therapists reported that their clients could find longer lasting and better relief from their session than from a mainstream medication for muscle pain.

Boosted immune system

Another benefit of massage for long life is its ability to improve the immune system because it can increase blood serotonin levels, cellular immune profile and overall ability to fight disease.

According to a report published in the Journal of Complementary Medicine, women with breast cancer were able to increase immune cells after a three times a week massage. The patients also reported reduced pain, anxiety and depressive thoughts after a massage session.

Improved posture

Another anti-aging benefit of massage is on improving posture that can lead to tighter and shorter muscles.   It can also prevent spine misalignment due to poor posture, which can lead to increasing back and joint pain.

Improved blood circulation

A massage therapy is also a natural way of improving blood circulation because it works on the circulatory system, which is made of the cardiovascular system and lymphatic system.

A pampering massage can help in reducing the stress on the cardiovascular system and enhance blood vessel function and health for its ability to improve the overall nutrition that the tissues receive.

Reduced stress response

Stress is a health risk and an aging factor. Learning how to reduce it, you can improve your life quality and ways age will take a toll on your skin. A great solution to achieve that is through a massage.

A study published in the Intensive and Critical Care Nursing Journal revealed that patients who were critically ill were able to experience reduced respiration, blood pressure and heart rate after a five-minute foot massage.

There is also growing evidence that massage could lead to relaxation, offering physiological health benefits.   It is also effective in reducing stress hormone (cortisol) levels, depression and anxiety. Another anti-aging benefit also includes improved heart health.

More on stress reduction: Massage can also stimulate and increase endorphin release. Endorphins are neurotransmitters responsible for reducing pain, so it works effectively to stop the transmission of pain signals.

There you have the many benefits of a soothing massage for a longer life and healthier body and mind. If you’re looking to receive these benefits and more, try a relaxing massage today!

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