8 Ways To Stay Mentally Sharp At Any Age

Stay Mentally Sharp

It’s normal to forget where you placed your keys from time to time. But it’s troublesome when you’ve become a complete scatterbrain. However, extra candles on your birthday cake don’t have to translate to being less mentally sharp.

There are ways to preserve and even improve your mind. We’re looking at things from diet, to lifestyle, to mental stimulation. As you age, you need to put more effort into staying mentally healthy. But you’ll probably find it a worthy endeavor.

Don’t accept that you won’t be your best self as you age. Surely you know someone who is older who has memory problems, or just doesn’t seem completely with it. But just because something is common doesn’t mean it’s normal.

We are living longer than ever before in history. But losing mental function with age doesn’t have to be normal. There are steps that can help keep you mentally sharp into your golden years. So here are 8 ways to stay mentally sharp at any age. These are practices you’re never too young to start!

Eat a healthy diet

As you age, a healthy diet improves more than your waistline. It improves the way you think.

Eat To Stay Mentally SharpFruits and vegetables have antioxidants that protect the brain.Good carbohydrates like whole grains provide fuel for the brain.

Healthy fats are essential because the brain is made of fat. Good quality protein is essential for brain communication. So eating a nutrient rich diet is more important than ever to protect your mind. 

Keep challenging your brain

You gain more knowledge with each year of life. But that doesn’t mean you no longer need to challenge your mind. In fact, doing so is so important for staying mentally sharp.

Crossword puzzles are a popular way to keep your mind young. But there’s other ways to challenge your mind that are equally effective.

If you’re right handed, try doing an activity with the left. Or start learning a new language – just for fun! Any time you learn something new, you create new brain connection and keep your mind sharp.

Let go of stress

Stress can seem inevitable. But while you probably can’t make your life stress-free, you can change the way you react to it. Learn to dissipate stress from the moment it starts

When you feel anxious, your body releases the hormone cortisol. And this hormone can hinder your ability to think. It’s fine for the brain in short bursts only.

Practice meditation. Or focus on learning to let go of anger or other negative emotions. The more you release the negative, the better you’ll be able to think.

Get moving

stay mentally sharp You probably worked out in your 20s to look amazing. Surprise – you didn’t even realize you were improving your mind!  But now that you’re a little older, this might motivate you to get moving.

Any sweaty exercise session will get blood pumping to your brain. And this helps your brain just work better.

Plus, physical activity helps get your lymph system moving. Which assists your body in removing toxins. So you get rid of all those harmful chemicals that can age the brain.

Get enough shut-eye

Sleep is when your mind rests and repairs. So it’s a no-brainer that lack of sleep will make you feel like you’re not your most mentally sharp. You think best after a good night’s sleep.

But take note. Sleep is a major time when your body detoxifies. It’s also when your body goes into repair mode.

If you don’t get quality sleep, your body can’t physically recover from your day. Miss sleep repeatedly, and the damage accrues. Prioritize sleep and you’ll give your mnd the best shot to be sharp for years to come.

Don’t overdo it on sugar

A touch of something sweet can be nice. But too much can be damaging to your mind. Sugar is inflammatory for your body. And this inflammation affects your ability to think.

High sugar diets have been associated with all sorts of brain dysfunction. It can worsen your memory. And it can slow down cognitive function.

High sugar intake is a big risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Diabetes can greatly impair memory by causing blood vessel damage. And diabetes is a risk factor for dementia and alzheimer.

Stay socially connected

Social Connection For Memory

As you get older, you may find your social circle getting smaller. But it’s more important than ever to stay socially connected. Positive relationships with others can help keep you mentally sharp.

Caring relationships can provide stress relief. Plus, friends help you challenge yourself and grow. Your friends can help expand your worldview, teach you, and improve your mind.

All of these help keep you mentally sharp. So reconnect with those whom you’ve lost touch. Pick up the phone, send an email, or join a club and make new friendships.

Abandon those bad habits

When you’re young, you know that smoking and drinking are bad for you. But you figure that’s a problem for your future self. You worry a little bit more about these bad habits as you get older.break bad habit

Cigarettes are filled with carcinogens. And while these take a toll on your whole body, they can be especially damaging to your mind.

It’s clear how alcohol immediately affects your thinking. But the damage can extend beyond the buzz. Alcohol is inflammatory. And inflammation slows down the brain, thereby impairing your mental ability.

So those are 8 ways to stay mentally sharp at any age. You’re never too young to start. With age comes wisdom – but only if you take the right steps!

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