5 Signs of Aging and Ways to Prevent Them


We will all age in time. Signs of aging will come no matter how hard we try to keep them at bay. But if you can prevent them at early stage, what is so wrong with that? Here are easily noticed signs of aging and some practical ways to prevent them:

  • Aging Skin: Skin is one of the most noticeable aging organs in your body. This is because it is the primary covering of your body that shields you from sunrays, everyday pollutants, and other natural and unnatural factors.

To prevent skin aging, it is important to have a healthy diet, clean lifestyle, and personal hygiene as regimen. Have vegetables, fruits, and water as huge portion of your daily diet to take care of your skin. Make sure you clean your face with water before going to bet to get rid of dirt and pollutants that can cause facial wrinkles. It is also important to keep your skin supple and moisturized. Drink plenty of water for hydration. Moisturize using mild lotion.

  • Aging Bones: Your body reacts to years of working. It is not too late to take care of your bones and keep them from getting fragile due to old age. To prevent aging bones, make sure that you take enough calcium. As you get older, your body needs more calcium for bone strength. It is important to keep a well-balanced diet at your age to maintain strong bones. It is also important to be engaged to regular exercises to strengthen your body. Simple walking, jogging and stretching give your body the strength it needs as it ages.
  • Aging Brain: Your brain is a very flexible organ. However, due to strenuous works, stress and other factors, your brain could feel tired at times. To keep your brain healthy and young, eat brain foods like nuts, green and dark leafy vegetables.

Studies also show that engaging on brain exercises like solving puzzles and reading can help keep your brain sharp even at old age. It is also important to get enough sleep. Having eight hours of sleep rests your brain and develops alertness.

  • Aging Muscles: As you age, your muscles begin to deteriorate. Your muscles need good protein but lesser fats. To ensure that you keep your muscles young and healthy, it is crucial that you understand your body type and ways to maintain your muscles.

Eat good and lean meat. Protein helps build muscles. It will also help to be engaged on muscular exercises just to keep them toned and in good shape.

  • Aging posture: This relates to aging bones. As you age, your bones can no longer hold the proper posture you used to have. Yoga and other meditating exercises can keep your posture right even at your age. It is also important to practice proper sitting and standing position at all times.

You cannot skip aging. It is a part of living cycle. But you can take small and simple steps to prevent yourself from experiencing the effects of this inevitable stage. Take charge of your regimen and keep a positive outlook in life.

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