5 Healthy Tips To Boost Your Health


Adding these 5 healthy tips are going to help you boost your health and happiness. Even though your health and happiness are mostly under your control, there are things that you cannot influence, and most of the time your choices in life determine how you will look and feel in the present and future.

These are great news. Since you are in control, you get to decide whether you will be healthy or sick, slim or fat, happy or depressed, etc.

All you need to do is make sure your mind and body are working together for your well-being

Find what you like and do it, but make sure to think things through before you make your choices.

These simple choices do not have to be complicated or expensive.

Here are 5 Healthy Tips to boost your mental and physical health

  1. Count Your Steps

This does not mean that you should start counting steps in your head. You could try that, but it probably would not lead to anything healthy.

All jokes aside, with new technologies, counting your steps is easy, useful, and ultimately healthy. There are smartphone apps that can help you with this. If you are looking for something more accurate, the internet is full of watches and other step-counting gadgets that you can get at an affordable price.

When you set a certain number of steps as a daily goal for yourself (we recommend 5000 to 10000 steps a day), achieving that goal every day will be a success for both body and mind.

You will get physical exercise and mental satisfaction   

It gets even better if you do not include your usual exercise routine (gym, jogging, etc.) into this count. This way you will know how much you are moving during the day and you might feel even more motivated and accomplished. This is one of the reasons why we placed this as our number 1 tip of our 5 healthy tips list.

  1. Try New Foods

Don’t always play safe. We all like the familiar taste of certain foods we love, but where is no thrill in always eating the same. Try new foods from time to time. You will enjoy the adventure even if you do not like the taste.

Check out new recipes online or invent them. Go shopping and buy some ingredients you’ve never bought before, experiment with flavors and you might discover some new favorites. Of course, aim for healthier food options so you can experience the full nutritional benefits of every new dish.

  1. Life’s Better in Color, our favorite of the 5 Healthy Tips

This is about food again. You probably know that when it comes to food, the rule is, the more colorful the better.

The healthiest food options, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, are the most colorful ones. Take a good look at your meal when you are eating, and if it looks too dull, add some color to it.

In this way, you will make sure that you are eating enough of the much-needed vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other important nutrients to stay healthy.

  1. Start a Hobby

Another good way to feed the body and mind is to get a hobby. Just think of the things you enjoy doing. Do not force yourself. Remember, some people enjoy reading while others only read when they must. Some people enjoy running while others do it just to stay fit. Everyone is different.

When you find your favorite activity, try to do it as often as you can. Doing what you like is the ultimate feel-good activity which benefits your body and mind tremendously.

  1. Be Kind to Yourself (this is the most important of the 5 healthy tips)

Finally, be kind to yourself. Acknowledge your accomplishments. Reward yourself when you deserve it. Do not change for others, but do change when you believe it will help you lead a healthier and happier life.


The Final Word

There are so many simple things that you can do for your health, and they do not have to cost you any time or money. If you are physically and mentally healthy, feeling good remains a state of mind. Follow these five tips or think of some new ones yourself. Do those small things that will make you happy every day and you will be surprised by how much better you’ll feel in both body and spirit.

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